Both of these magazines have a very different look and contrast each other in several ways. For example, VIBE is more simplistic with a lack of previews and other photos whereas NME is crowded with previews, quotes and special offers. I probably wouldn't take inspiration from VIBE as it's stylised to R&B and Hip Hop music. However, I feel the grey scale photography could suit my genre if I were to have red showing through rather than blue as this would create a Gothic feel. The crowded look of NME would be my preferred look as this is more common in other magazines. The cover of NME is also made more interesting by the use of other photos as this shows there is more than just information on the main image/band inside and it also shows a wider range of good photography.
Both of these contents pages contain differences and similarities. For example, the one on the left is simple with a singular image and a little bit of writing based on the contents. However, the contents page on the right contrasts this as it uses many images and goes into far more detail on the contents of the magazine. The page on the right is more visually exciting due to it's use of different images and vibrant colours. The use of real events such as concert photos makes the page feel more real and in touch with the bands inside. The use of vibrant colours also creates an eye catching effect with the use of a yellow heading that grabs your attention and pulls you in. On the other hand, the page on the left uses a limited colour scheme of mainly browns and whites with the occasional red. This is far less eye catching but creates and interesting effect. Due to the use of sepia and simplicity, I feel this magazine could be aimed at an older audience however, I feel the page on the right is aimed at a younger audience due to it's vibrant use of colours.
Each double page spread is similar at a first glance, however, both of these also hold their differences. For example, the page on the left uses a limited colour scheme of sepia, black, red and white. This matches the contents page above, however, rather than an elderly feel, I still feel this page is meant for a younger audience as it is busy and shows a lively concert scene. For the cover on the left, the colour scheme is far less limited however a main colour of blue shows through. There are also several uses of pink, showing it could possibly be appealing to the female gender. I feel this page is aimed at younger people as it shows several images of a lively concert scene.
On each double page spread, there is also a clear divide, for example, there is a main image on the left page of each one and then most of the information is held on the right.
Each double page spread also has a main quote, however, the page on the left has the quote in large, eye catching lettering and uses the quote almost as a title, where as the page on the right has the quote in small and put into a corner where it is less eye catching. Be that as it may, each quote also holds the similarity of varying colours in the text, using white to highlight the main bit of the quote.
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