Monday, 8 December 2014

Camera Angles

Low Angle Shot

A low angle shot can be used to make the person in the shot seem over-powering and above everyone else. In this case, it has been used make the model seem powerful but also to give a feeling of being in the crowd at the concert where that photo was taken. This is an effective photo as it gives a feeling of being stood beneath someone who is more 'popular' than you and so you feel as though you are stood at the front of a concert.

High Angle Shot

A high angle shot can be used to create a sense of powerlessness in the model, therefore making the person seeing the image feel more powerful. In this case, the reader will feel more powerful than the band displayed on the page, this could be because the band are experiencing difficulties in their career or for any other reason that the band may be losing power.

Close Up Shot

A close up shot can be used to display the models emotions and to create a sense of closeness with the person in the image. This closeness could be to intimidate, like it would in a fight, or it could be to create a sense of intimacy. In this case, the close up shot has been used to display the dark facial expression of the model which creates a feeling of danger.

Medium/Mid Shot

A medium/mid shot can be used to give a view of the facial expression, yet also the body language and surroundings. In this case, the shot has been used to show the laid back body language of the model, showing she is at ease, however, her facial expression shows less ease and more curiousity or perhaps a readiness to fight. It also shows the dark clothing she is wearing, making her appear more Gothic. This shot, however, has not been used to show background as it is plain, instead, this extra background space has been used to display text.

Long Shot

This shot allows people to see what is going on and all characters included, it gives a broad view of the surrounding area. In this case, the shot has been used to give a view of the surrounding area as this sets the scene, you are also given a view of the people included and so you get the idea of what kind of people they are based on their overall appearance.

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