Monday, 8 December 2014


To help choose my models, I have chosen a selection of people I can use as my options and decided why they may or may not be suitable.

Leah McRuvie

I feel Leah would be a suitable model for a Rock band as she has dark hair and is suited to wearing dark eye make up, much like other existing rock band members. Along with this, she has stretchers in her ears which add to her Punk look. Another thing that makes her suitable for a rock magazine is her Punk/Goth style as this means she already has the correct style for my magazine and will, over all, make her more comfortable modelling for a rock magazine.

Archie O'Niell

I chose Archie as one of my options because I feel he would be one of my best choices. I feel this because he is already a model and great actor, therefore making him extremely capable of modelling for my magazine. I also like that he can pull off most looks, for example, he is shown to be dark and somewhat Gothic in the photo on the right, much like most of the band members in the covers I analysed, which will be the kind of look I need for my magazine. Along with this, he already has a unique look and prominent cheek bones, meaning he could help my magazine to stand out and look good.

Photos of Archie came from his page on the 'Select Model' site -

Monaya Abel

Monaya would be a good model for my magazine as she has a great face shape and dark hair which could be manipulated into different and interesting styles for my photos. Dark hair will be important in my photos as a lot of stereotypical Goths have dark hair and stereotyping will be important in making my magazine obviously a Rock magazine. However, I also feel Monaya has a sweet/friendly look about her whereas a Gothic stereotype would look darker and somewhat frightening, this could therefore make Monaya a less suitable model for a Rock magazine as she might seem out of place.

Emelia Davies

Emelia is a possible model due to her hair which can be manipulated into a variety of styles. Along with this, she also looks good in a variety of different clothing styles and is suited to wearing leather jackets. However, I think it is unlikely I will use her as a model as she has a rather childish, youthful look which will make her seem out of place in a rock magazine. It is likely that her childish look would distract from the somewhat 'dangerous' looking cover I have in mind and would make her seem out of place, as though she were a child standing among adults.

Anna Bundy

I believe Anna would be a good choice in model as she has modelled for previous photos in my Art projects and so I trust her skill in modelling. I also know, due to previous photo shots, that she can pull off a variety of different looks and wont look out of place in my rock magazine. Anna's long hair can be seen as an advantage also as it can be styled with ease into different Gothic styles. Although her hair might not fit with my idea of stereotyped dark hair, I still feel her fair hair will look just as good as she already has pale skin and so she can be made to appear ghostly and will therefore fit with a ghostly graveyard theme.

Over all, I believe my best choices in model for my magazine would be Leah McRuvie, Archie O'Neill and Anna Bundy as I trust that they will all be capable models and fitting for a rock magazine due to their unique styles and appearances. It is most likely that I will formulate two bands, the first being my front cover band who will be styled to look Ghostly and to fit with Goth Rock, this will involve the use of Anna and Archie as models. My second band will be used in extra photos such as smaller cover photos and contents page photos, this will involve the use of Leah who will be styled to a more Punk Rock look. However, this decision is not final as I may later develop or change my ideas.

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